Buried Flexible Pipeline: Part 1: Structural Design
B' = width of slip zone at top of pipe \kappa = silo reduction factor for trench fill load effect e = base of natural logarithms K_{0} = ratio of lateral to vertical soil pressure (has value between the active and passives oil resistance ratios) \delta = friction angle on the slip plane, 0 \le \delta \le \phi in degrees \phi in soil friction angle for fill material, in degrees
According to AS 3725 and AS 4060 (Refs. 1 and 2), the product of K_{0} and tan\delta varies between 0.11 for soft clay and 0.16 for crushed aggregate
Where a superimposed distributed dead load is applied to a pipe in a trench, the silo reduction factor, which enables trench wall friction to be taken into account, can be calculated from the following equation:
where k_{s} is silo reduction factor for area load effect
In practice, the use of the silo reduction factors for buried flexible pipe calculations is usually limited to deep pipe trenches where H/B \le 10.